Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Getting It (Linked) In: Subscribe To This!


Really, 46 million views later and I just caught on now? Whatever. I blame pre-pubescent teens for my seemingly out of tune-ish pop culture references, their lack of attention span doesn't keep anyone in the spotlight for more than 15 seconds let along 15 minutes (hopefully they enjoy it while it lasts, that means you Justin Bieber). With that I bring you Fred. You wanna take a course or lesson in branding one-self, take it from this degenerate.  The former all time subscribed to and viewed channel on Youtube - now third - has done his best impression of Mark Zukerberg by taking the internet by storm and fucking over his cousins (at least they're family, they'll understand right?) along the way. Fred is supposed to be a 6 year old, with a dysfunctional home life and anger management problems. As I alluded to earlier, the channel Fred was initially started with his cousins as JKL Productions until they got popular, then Lucas Cruikshank, the 'actor' that plays Fred, bought the channel 'Fred' from YouTube and dumped his cousins. Now he's making appearances on iCarly, Hannah Montana, made his own album, and just today, released a straight to DVD movie that also aired on Nikelodeon. Yeah being a bit creepy and weird sure isn't as uncool as it used to be.

Holy Asian Kids, Batman!
TimothyDeLaGhetto2. Nigahiga. What do these random assemblages of pronouns, nouns and numbers have in common. Combined they have a staggering amount of hits/fans via YouTube. The most impressive thing about these 2 as far as I'm concerned, just happen to be not their insanely intense following of their movies, skits, and music parodies (noted here and here) but they're insanely hot bitches. De La Ghetto is apparently the most subscribed to 'rapper' with almost 6 hundred thousand subscribers, for reference, Justin Bieber's official Vevo account has 3 hundred thousand. He's now working on the first ever, first to YouTube movie. Highschool did suck. Also for the Twi-hards. And finally, in light of the Social Network hitting theatres, here's his take on FB.
Nigahiga on the other hand, is the most subscribed to channel ever, and while some of his stuff is funny, I don't see the huge appeal.  A whole bunch of his stuff revolved around making fun of songs but were removed due to copyright infringement. He doesn't appear to be doing as well as the other 2 I've mentioned but I respect that he's actually going to school for filmography and will look to do his thing professionally with actual, ya know...credentials and stuff. This is pretty much what he does and speaking of the Biebes, this sorta sums up what I think about him too.

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